The Four Gospels: The Genesis

The full soundtrack for book one of The Four Gospels series; this contains all the songs from the individualized playlists as well as some of its own original tracks.

T4G:TG - The Visionary's Soundtrack

This is the individualized character playlist for Karter; songs related to his mood, perspective, style, and personality can be found here.

T4G:TG - The Mastermind's Soundtrack

This is the individualized character playlist for Roman; songs related to his mood, perspective, style, and personality can be found here.

T4G:TG - The Executor's Soundtrack

This is the individualized character playlist for Judaea; songs related to his mood, perspective, style, and personality can be found here.

T4G:TG - The Innovator's Soundtrack

This is the individualized character playlist for Chance; songs related to his mood, perspective, style, and personality can be found here.

EXZOTIM PRODUCTIONS. Matthew, Mark, Luke & John © 2024
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